Victor Cha "The Impossible State: North Korea, Past and Future"
Dr. Victor Cha is currently the D. S. Song-Korea Foundation Chair in Asian Studies and is the Director of the Asian Studies program at Georgetown University. He is also senior advisor and the inaugural holder of the Korea Chair at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, DC.
Previously, he has served as Director for Asian Affairs in the White House's National Security Council, when he participated in the Six Party Talks on the Non-Proliferation Treaty in North Korea from 2004-2007. His responsibilities included Japan, North and South Korea, Australia, and New Zealand. He was President Bush's top advisor on North Korean affairs.
Dr. Cha has written articles for numerous journals including Foreign Affairs and Political Science Quarterly. He serves as an independent consultant, and has testified before Congress on Asian security issues. He has been a guest analyst for various media outlets including CNN, ABC's "Nightline", NBC's "The Today Show", CBS's "Morning Show", Fox News, MSNBC, CNBC, BBC, ESPN, Sports Illustrated, and National Public Radio.
Dr. Cha has authored five books since 2000 including his most recent book, The Impossible State: North Korea, Past and Future. It is one of the first books that looks at North Korea after the death of Kim Jong-Il.