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Sital Kalantry "Gender Terrorism: A Comparative Study of Acid Violence in Cambodia, India, and Bangladesh"

Professor Kalantry focuses on strategies to promote international, economic and social rights for women, particularly the right to education. She received a Fulbright-Nehru grant to conduct research in India on the Indian Supreme Court in January 2012.

On October 25, Professor Kalantry will discuss her interdisciplinary field research on acid violence in Cambodia, India, and Bangladesh. Acid violence is a form of gender-based violence as defined by the Convention on Elimination of Discrimination Against Women, and is used in many countries to punish women who fail to conform with gender norms. She will argue that businesses can play a crucial role in curbing acid misuse, and present concrete measures that governments and business can take.

Professor Kalantry’s works have been published in Human Rights Quarterly, the National Law Journal, and the Stanford Journal of International Law. Prior to joining Cornell Law School, she was a visiting clinical lecturer at Yale Law School where she co-taught a clinic focusing on national security and civil liberties. She also practiced private international law at two major international law firms.