Ann Lee, author of What the U.S. Can Learn from China, is a Senior Fellow at Demos and an adjunct professor of economics and finance at New York University. She was also a former visiting professor at Peking University and taught at the China Center for Economic Research.
A former investment banker and fixed income trader, Ann Lee is an expert on financial derivatives, the global financial system, China’s economy and economic initiatives. She was an economic advisor to the Ministry of Finance as well as to several large Chinese asset management firms. She has provided economic commentary on ABC, CBS, CNBC, CNN, Fox Business, Bloomberg TV, NPR and published op-eds in The Financial Times, The Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, Businessweek, Forbes, Worth, and the Hong Kong Economic Journal.
Ms. Lee was educated at U.C. Berkeley, Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School of International Affairs, and Harvard Business School. Her dual role as scholar and practitioner in the U.S. and China enables her to comment on issues and opportunities around global trade, global financial markets, U.S. competitiveness, Chinese leadership outlook, and other related business and economic issues.