What will Brazil and Mexico’s roles be in the next 10 years? How different is their interaction with the U.S. given that one (Mexico) is a free market and member of NAFTA, and the other, Brazil (closed economy), is not? How have Brazil and Mexico quickly emerged as major focuses in world affairs? What is China's roleas Brazil’s number one investment partner and Mexico's second trading partner,
Dr. Riordan Roett will address these questions in his off-the-record briefing for Network 20/20. Brazil and Mexico’s relationships with the United States are especially important as they are geographically close.
Riordan Roett serves as a member of the Bretton Woods Committee. He is a recipient of the Order of Rio Branco from the government of Brazil with the rank of commander as well as a recipient of the Order of Bernardo O'Higgins from the government of Chile with the rank of gran official. He is recognized for contributions to SAIS (School of Advanced International Studies) with establishment of the Riordan Roett Chair in Latin American Studies in 2004. Riordan Roett is a former consultant to Chase Manhattan Bank in various capacities, a former faculty fellow of the World Economic Forum at the annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland, a former national president of the Latin American Studies Association; he holds a Ph.D. in political science from Columbia University. Riordan Roett is a member of the board of directors for a number of closed mutual funds at Legg Mason and a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.